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Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

APJIHT is an online peer-review journal publishing a range of interdisciplinary perspectives to enhance research development and innovation in the field of tourism & hospitality. 


Published By: Taylor’s University Sdn. Bhd. (CO.NO.149634/D)

Online ISSN: 2710-6519

Frequency: 2 Issues / Year

Indexed: SCOPUS, CABI, CIRET, MyCite and EBSCO

About this journal

Aims & Scope

Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management, under the guidance of the Research and Enterprise Office, Centre for Research and Innovation in Tourism and School of Hospitality, Tourism and Events of Taylor’s University is publishing a bi-annual, peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal.


The aim of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism is to promote and enhance research development and innovation in the field of hospitality and tourism. The journal seeks to provide an international platform for hospitality and tourism educators, postgraduate students and researchers, to debate and disseminate research findings, facilitate the discussion of new research areas and techniques, and highlight best practices for industry practitioners. The articles published in the journal will cover a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (APJIHT) invites submissions from a wide range of disciplines and fields, which contribute to enhancing research development and innovation in the field of tourism and hospitality, including contributions from the perspectives such as consumer behaviour, service management, sustainable development goals and social aspects of hospitality and tourism. APJIHT offers value to those researching innovative approaches and innovation in the field of tourism and hospitality through the publication of double-blind peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical research.

Article Categories

The Editor encourages articles based on theoretical arguments, empirical findings, case studies, and/or methodological developments. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methodology submissions are all welcome. Articles published in APJIHT are on the basis of originality, importance and significant contribution to knowledge and practice in social science, science, the public, and policy making.

Type of Papers

APJIHT publishes three types of papers:


1) Full-length papers (both empirical and conceptual)

2) Research notes (both empirical and conceptual)

3) Industry papers (both empirical and conceptual)


Papers published in APJIHT are double-blinded peer-reviewed.

Key Audience

Academics, postgraduate students, and researchers working in the field of hospitality and tourism.

Practitioners working in a wide range of sub-disciplines / related industries of hospitality and tourism.


APJIHT is an online peer-reviewed journal that publishes two times a year in March and September.

Sustainable Tourism Impact Lab

Centre for Research and Innovation in Tourism (CRiT)

Faculty of Social Sciences and Leisure Management
Taylor’s University, Lakeside Campus
No. 1, Jalan Taylor’s,
47500 Subang Jaya ,

Selangor Darul Ehsan,


Phone: 603-5629 5407

Fax: 603-5629 5522


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